What is this?

This little Java agent lets you log whenever ExceptionInInitializerError is instantiated. I wrote this because this exception doesn't get chained to later NoClassDefFoundError, and as such it is very easy to lose track of why the class failed to load in the first place.

See the bug report against JDK for this for further justification, which has been ignored for more than 3 years.

With this agent, any ExceptionInInitializerError gets logged through java.util.logging logger of the name org.kohsuke.eiie_logger at the warning level. In this way, you only need to look at one place to find all the ExceptionInInitializerError problems in your JVM.


Use it as a Java agent to activate this from the beginning of the program. This is recommended so as not to miss any ExceptionInInitializerError

$ java -javaagent:path/to/eiie-logger.jar ...your usual Java args follows...

Attaching after VM startup

When run as a regular jar file, this tool can be used to attach the logger into other JVMs on the same system. You specify the JVM by its PID. The following example attaches the tool to the pid 1500.

$ java -jar path/to/eiie-logger.jar 1500